London Court

This quaint little quaint street is located between Hay Street Mall and St. George’s Terrace. London Court is set amongst modern sky scrapers in the heart of Perth City. London Court small pedestrian street and has a very similar feel to the Tudor style buildings of England. As you walk through London Court you will experience a charming atmosphere of small shops and cafes along the way.
There are also two clocks at London Court, one at each end of the lane. If you pay close attention you will notice the clock at the Hay Street entrance has four knights above it, which circle around when the clocks strikes every 15 minutes. At the St Georges Terrace end you will find St George battling a dragon above the clock, and both clocks are replicas of France’s Great Clock of Rouen. London Court also has many fine details which you need to look for or else you may miss them, including statues of Sir Walter Raleigh and Dick Whittington, moldings, wind vanes and stairways which take you to the windows overlooking the court. Location: Hay Street Mall and St Georges Terrace Perth. London Court is a definite must see when visiting Perth.
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